Monday, December 8, 2014

Spelling Words Dec. 8-12

For the last two weeks of December, we will be reviewing the vowel patterns and commonly missed words for earlier lists. They will practice in class and have a vowel review test on Wednesday December 18. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


If you would like your child to practice these skills, please find the subject below. Homework that is turned in will be checked for completion only. Homework cannot be graded.

Spelling: I've attached several different spelling activities. Students may choose three spelling activities to complete each week. 
Roll A Word 
Roll A Word 2 
Making Words 

Reading: Please complete the attached reading log. I would encourage 20-30 minutes each night. Reading Log

Writing: I can provide handwriting worksheets for your child to practice forming the capital and lowercase letters properly. These can also be found at: Handwriting Paper or Handwriting Samples

I have also attached a list of writing topics: Writing Prompts
  1. Assign your child a topic starter.
  2. Give them 1 minute to think about the topic.
  3. Ask them to write as much as they can for 4 minutes.
  4. Stop after the total of 5 minutes and talk with your child about ways they can improve their writing... capital letters, more details, events in order, spelling, etc.

Math: Please have your child complete 10 minutes of practice with multiplication flash cards each night. Multiplication timed tests will be sent home in the Friday folder. This will show you what facts your child struggles to memorize.

Social Studies/Science: I will update you about the topic we are learning. 

  1. Go to:
  2. Search for the topic plus "facts for kids"  (ex: magnet facts for kids)

Spelling Words Dec.1-5

Week 16
oo and ue
1. knew
2. loose
3. rude
4. glue
5. balloon
6. rule
7. loop
8. spoon
9. grew
10. tooth
11. Antarctica